
Dibuix d'Irene Gracia
Cover drawn by Irene Gracia.

(verses in Catalan)

«Dins la fosca perdo els sentits. Els túnels,/ a poc a poc, acreixen la distància/ i em separen de tu que tant t’estimo./ I quanta solitud, quanta tristesa…/ Tot i no veure’t mai, palpo el teu odi./ No ens trobaríem ni que anéssim junts./ No. No m’escoltes. Per què no m’oblides?»

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in Catalan
A man and a woman, bathed in white light, slowly approached each other from opposite sides of the stage. They eventually embraced, their limbs wrapped so tightly about each other that they seemed to have merged into a single being. Then they separated as slowly as they had joined.